Thursday, 19 October 2017


The festival of lights.Diwali reminds us the how Lord Ram defeated the Lankesh.Lankesh or Ravan was wise,strong,rich and have very large family.Ravan has strong brothers,sons, relatives.Nobody dare to defeat him even in dream but Ram who has only one brother or Laxman with him and small army of monkeys not only fought against Ravan but also defeated him.Ravan who has every kind of resources was defeated by Ram who was not having any kind of resource.We can learn by this that dearth of resources can not stop you from any big task,but one should be like Ram who was brave,honest, faithful the qualities which are easy to listen but difficult to practise.Ravan who has everything but did not possess these qualities lost.So be honest,brave and faithful.Thank You.

Wednesday, 18 October 2017


Keeping and follow some hobbies is a good quality of a person.At present there are many problems in day to day life.It is very difficult to keep our mental peace.Now a days it is observed that a person is always busy in some work.One passes one's life without understanding the life.A person is always busy in the management of bread and butter.Therefore it is very important that one should think beyond bread and butter to enjoy the life.So observe yourself and develop some interest or follow your interest,and lead life in real meaning.Thank You.

Sunday, 15 October 2017


At the time of festivals many offers are available on purchasing and it is shown that everything  is below market price and easy option of buying is available, like no cost EMI and the offers a advertised in a very attractive manner so , many times one buys the things which actually are not needed by the one. Here it is important that we should know our requirement that what things are necessary at present and we should buy only those and if unnecessary things are available in free of cost then also we should not buy them. Remember earning money is very difficult and spending money is very easy and things will be available always very cheap, because many factories ore producing the things at Rapid rate and they have problem to sell them. So companies want to sell the things and they create illusion that the things are available very cheap but actually it is not true because nowadays  input cost is very low and profit margin is very high therefore always be firm that we will not be deceived by the companies offer and we will try our best to buy the things which are really need it for us .thank you.


Forgive Yourself is very important nowadays.It is seen we often feel that we couldn't do something because of Circumstances,but some where we feel that we couldn't do something because of our lack of desire.We did not have that burning desire to do something.It is universal truth that if we have spark to achieve something,to do something,then neither Circumstances nor any conditions can stop us from doing something.But we can not reverse the time.Whatever has passed , passed now we can not do anything.Therefore there is no use of repentance.We can do only one thing ,just forgive ourself for our misdeeds and determine your self ,not to repeat your mistakes again.So just forgive yourself.Thank You.