

 This is Ranveer Kapoor and Aliya Bhatt new movie which is becoming hit from the first show.

Language: HINDI

STORY HINT: About a boy who lives in slums and want to change his life by becoming a famous Rapper.

STORY: Ranveer Kapoor played the role of MURAD who lives in Dharavi mumbai.He wants to become famous Rapper.His family and friends helped him to make his dream true.Murad loves Safeena ( Alia Bhatt). Story goes on and he became successful one day.

INSPIRATION  The movie inspired by the lives of rappers NAEZY & DIVINE.

Indian rappers Divine( Vivian Fernandes)  and Naezy ( Naved Shaikh), They are stars with their songs about politics and poverty. They are famous in home & abroad.

RAP Rap music is one of the most popular music geners to date.RAP means to strike or hit .After some centuries change came in definition, which meant to talk or speak.

HISTORY OF RAP many years before in Africa  GRIOTS, Village story tellers who played basic handmade instruments while they told stories about local events,family… This style of talking while music is played is called RAP MUSIC.

GRIOTS travelling poets, musicians, and storytellers who maintain a tradition of oral history in parts of West Africa.
RAP MUSIC shown in the film is a inspired piece of writing.This movie has clap worthy dialogue.This movie engaged you totally.

FINAL COMMENT A must watch movie.


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