Friday, 29 March 2019

Mission Shakti

Mission Shakti

27 Mar 2019

 India has shot down a low earth orbit satellite in space and became the member of elite group of nations, which are master in this   this anti-satellite (ASAT) missile technology.
Presently United States, Russia and China has this ASAT

Low earth orbit satellite: Low earth orbits (LEO) are satellite systems which are used in telecommunication, which orbit between 400 and 1,000 miles above the earth's surface. They are used for data communication such as email, video conferencing and paging. They move at high speed.

ASAT: Anti-satellite technology

Mr.Narendra modi told that the intent of DRDO’s Mission Shakti is to defend our assets in space and not to start arms race in space.

Writer view: It is a great achievement of our nation in order to prove its importance in the world. India will have a good and strong image in world fraternity

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