Saturday, 2 March 2019

Chanakya neeti-6

When the sun rays are collected in a perticular place with the help of lense then that place gets the temperature enough to catch the fire.
Same when you focus on and concentrate on your aim then it is certain that you will achieve your goal.
So focus on your aim and achieve your target.

Friday, 1 March 2019

Civilian awards


The highest civilian award of the India.This was instituted in 1954. Any person without distinction of race,gender... is eligible for this award. It is given to recognise exceptional service of the highest order.This is not compulsory to give this award every year.

These awards were instituted in 1954.These awards are given every year on Republic Day. There three categories in descending order of importance.

For exceptional and distinguished services.

For distinguished service of a high order.


For distinguished service.

Thursday, 28 February 2019

Chanakya neeti-5

As when sword is made then piece of steel has to go under many harsh condition,has to bear many strikes of hammer.Then piece of steel is changed into a sword.

Likewise if a person want to become effective,impressive, successful then person should consider all the difficulties he goes through as training towards Excellence.

Geneva Convention

Geneva Convention definites the set of rules to protect the prisoners of WAR.
The rules first setup in 1929 and later they were amended in 1949 after WORLD WAR TWO

Total four Geneva convention held.

Third Geneva convention drafted the rules abouts POW and how he or she will be treated.

POW are members of armed forces of one party and who fall in the hands of other party.

Some other persins can be treated as POWs under some circumstances.

As per Geneva Convention

POWs detention is not form of punishment.

POWs must be released and repatriated immediately.

POWs must be treated humanely in all circumstances.

Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Chanakya neeti-4

In the game of chess the king can move only one step he is considered as the weakest in all but others brave soldiers are ready to sacrifice their life to save the life of the king.
In reality a leader should choose such persons,who could save their leader in every circumstances.

Mirage 2000

Mirage 2000 fighter jet is made by the french company Dassult Aviation.

This mirage 2000 was commissioned in 1985 in IAF.This mirage 2000 played decisive role during Kargil War.


This mirage 2000 is having single shaft engine.

This mirage 2000 is having single fighter pilot seat and can be converted into twin seat as per requirement.

Length 14.36 metre.

Weight 7500kg(dry)

Takeoff weight of 17000kg

Maximum speed Mach 2.2

Mach Number

It is the ratio of speed of body( aircraft) and the speed of sound. Mach 1 means aircraft is having the speed of sound
 that is 332m/sec.

Other Countries

This mirage 2000 is being used by  France,Egypt,UAE,Peru,Taiwan,Greece ,

Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Chanakya neeti-3

Human life is always active.It moves ahead always. Therefore it is useless to think about the past.Time once passed will never return back.So forget about the past,think about future.
One must remember that one's future depends on one's action.So be active and make your future great.

Monday, 25 February 2019

Chanakya neeti-2

As lotus grow in mud/ dirty places but it is considered sacred and it gets higher place because of it's qualities. So remember it does not matter where you took birth,were you poor or rich when you took birth but if you did not work hard,if did not harness your qualities and you remain poor and worthless,then it is your fault.
So improve yourself​ and become useful.

Sunday, 24 February 2019


The devices to capture your cards details are installed by criminals on ATM and Credit Card readers.These devices are called  SKIMMERS.

The Possible Places

These skimmers can be installed

ATM keyboard area
Near card reader area
Near speaker

Reduce the Risk

Observe the ATM carefully and try to notice the changes.

Use your hand to cover your PIN during entering it.

Try to avoid the ATM which are placed in comparatively lonely area.

Expert Opinion

Skimmers are worldwide problem.If we are careful we can  save ourselves.But if it happened, with us then immediately contact your card issuer bank and report it your may refunded to you