The percentage of women voting in election is increasing with every election.
Women voting percentage reached to 65.63% in the election of 2014.This is commendable achievement because women voting percentage in third election was meagre 46.6% and the data of women voting percentage in first and second election is not available.
This data shows the difference between men and women voting percentage.
Year Total Men Women Difference
1991 57 61.6 51.4 10.2
1996 58 62.1 53.4 8.7
1998 62 65.7 57.9 7.8
1999 60 64 55.7 8.3
2004 58.8 61.7 53.3 8.4
2009 58.2 60.2 55.8 4.4
2014 66.4 67.09 65.63 1.46
It looks that the women voting will be more than the men voting percentage.