Saturday, 4 May 2019

Seven Biggest Storm in India

Seven Biggest Storm in India

In November 1970

BHOLA storm hit from Bay of Bengal to West Bengal & Pakistan. Around 50 thousands died

May 1970

Storm hit with the speed  from 100 to 160 km/h, around 700 people died & 40 lakh people affected.

November 1988

Around 2000 people died in Bangladesh . Major damage happened to the property in West Bengal and Bangladesh.

November 1996

 Around 2000 people died in Andhra Pradesh, around 1380 villages were affected.

November 1999

Storm hit with the speed of 260km/h in Odisa and damaged the property.

October 2013
560 people died because of Feleen storm in Odisa and Andhra Pradesh.

November 2017
 26 people died because of Okhi Storm  started from Sri Lanka and reached Gujrat via Kerala & Tamil Nadu.

May 2019

Fani Storm hit  Odisa and casualty restracted to 8 because of proper planning and execution.

Source: Dainik Bhaskar  04/05/19