Saturday, 4 January 2020


Having expectations is the biggest crime.
Expectations are never fulfilled.When we do homework keeping expectations then we don't focus completely on the work but some part of our mind remains busy in future effect of expectations.
Remember you can fulfil yours desires but others cannot fulfil yours desires.So it is good idea to keep ready planning regarding the effects of something but don't involve very much in expectations.
It is experienced many persons talk ideally but they don't behave ideally.You might have experienced many a time a borrower forget to return the borrowed amount but the person who gives does not forget,actually borrower also does not forget but simply he is not able to control his greed therefore don't expect yours borrower will return your debt until you ask.
So don't have expectations but give hundred percent in your work.

Thursday, 2 January 2020


Generally everyone has some kinds of fear,it is natural,it is basic human nature but one should learn how to overcome one's fears.
It is seen that when person starts thinking about his self created fears the he becomes more tensed,mentally disturbed comparatively when he really face those self created future problems.
So instead of creating imaginary fears,try to write the strategies that how you will overcome those future problems.
Everyone one must accept some hard truths like
Everyone one has to die.
Everyone one has to face some problems because of others mistakes.
Everyone gets something else beyond his expectations.
Life is not a cakewalk.
...But don't dishearten,because you are not facing such things first time,many have also experienced this before,so smile and remember it will also pass.

Keep Repairing

It is easy to throw the broken pieces of any things,but it is an art to repair the broken things and make them useful again.

In our day to day life,occasions come when we feel that it is impossible to mend some relationships,but remember life is short and only good relations makes our life happy,therefore keep maintaining healthy relations and lead and live meaningful life.

It is also advisable not to carry bad relations with us always but we must analysis that how much we can tolerate,we must have a limit,if someone cross that limit then we must not hesitate to leave that relationship and keep trying to search some other options.