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Sunday 19 June 2022

Seven Learning from my life

 First Out of Seven

TIME  is the most important thing in our life because it can not be reversed .So one should respect the time it passes slow but it surpassed us at some point even without one's notice .Therefore it is requirex to bewatchful and observe our deeds.

If we work in right way with proper planning then we can enjoy our complete life otherwise some time we have to regret verymuch.This life is for happiness not for sadness.

So think atleast five minutes daily that what iwe want from our life and try to make roadmap and follow that to achieve that.

Second Out of Seven

HAPPINESS is the thing that we should have always.This human life is very rare and when times come we have to move other world leaving everything right from our wealth to our proud.We are not able to continue our good life when we become ill.So try to remain happy and content about life do not regret .Always do our best to achieve best but on the other hand what we have been given by supreme power respect it.

There are  many benefits of happiness.Being happy we become positive,healthy ,dear to everyone but If we are sad complaing then we do not get respect ourselves.So being happy must be our aim.

THIRD Out of Seven

HEALTH is most important part of our life.We can enjoy ourselves every moomentof life if we are healthy.To remain healthy it very easy now a days.We can workout in gym ,we can perform yoga ,we can meditate,we  can abstain from every kind of Intoxications,...there are number of ways of being healthy.We should one rule byheart that we should start thinking that we are healthy.This is the first step towards rof being healthy.

FOURTH Out of Seven

FAITH must be important part of our life.God iscthere to give us more .God is always kind snd give everyone more than ,what one deserves.God is fair to everyone does not injustice with any one.Generally when we think properly and truely then we come toknow that what we wanted that we get sooner orlater but what god gives itself that is more good for us.There are predetermined things and nothing is in our hand because the incidents or acidents we went through we never thought about them before.So have faith and hope or best.

FIFTH Out Of Seven

DESTINY Look at your life and you will realise that .ost of the good things which have happened in your life they happened without hard work and the things which you wanted to be happen  and you put much efforts in that you got success but not as much as you wished for.

Just make list of the incidentz which occured in your life automatically and the things which you got by your hard work you willcome the number of things which happened automatically are more than the number of things which have been done by your effors.

So work hard and try toachieve the the things which you want do not take panic because what god has planned for youthat is more good snd beneficial for you.



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