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Sunday, 13 November 2022


 All most countries of world celebrates Cildren's Day

14 November is celebrsted ss indian children's dsy.It is the birthdsy of our first Priminidter Shri Jawahsr lal Nehru

Worl  Children'sDay is celebrated on 20 November. 2oth november is the day when Declaration of the rights of the Child by UN General  Assembly was done.

Some countries celebrate it as Children's Week not Children's Day . Different countries celebrate Children's Day on different Dsys.

   DATE                                               COUNTRIES

Second Sunday of June            UNITED STATES OF 

every year ,This year on          AMERICA

11 June 2023

15 MAY                                          UK

20 NOVEMBER                             PAKISTAN

4 APRIL                                          HONG KONG

5 MAY                                              JAPAN

4 AUGUST                                       AUSTRELIA

1st JUNE                                          CHINA

1st  October                                    Sri Lanka

14 SEPTEMBER                               NEPAL

20 SEPTEMBER                              GERMANY





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