Here what I write or discuss is based on my  experience it is not to convince anyone to follow my Strategies it is only to strengthen my belief in myself, but this may give you some idea or information because learning from others experience is best learning. 

Loan is always bad but sometimes it is good when loan is good?

When market is trading at lower lebel

When you have debt against credit card

When any opportunity knock your door. 

In such time one should take loan but within one's  own limits. 

Because if one has money to invest in such golden time then one can earn huge return. One should not let go such golden opportunity. 

Before taking loan one should have complete analysis. One should prepare to face loss or gain according to one's  own capacity. 

Large caps are good in this type of time. Because if they loose  a and gain also in due course of time but other small caps can loose the amount very much. 


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