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Mutual Fund Vs Fixed Deposit


Here what I write or discuss is based on my  experience it is not to convince anyone to follow my Strategies it is only to strengthen my belief in myself, but this may give you some idea or. information because learning from others experience is best learning. 

This is very burning question now a days that one should take mutual fund or Fixed Deposit. 

To my mind Fixed deposit is better for those who are retired and are habitual to look into their portfolio again and again. 

If you look into your  portfolio again and again then fixed deposit is better for you. 

As for as mutual fund is concerned , it is better for those who are stable by observing regular ups and downs of the portfolio. 

One should konow that market gives average return not fixed return . We can obseve positive return in some years and negative return in some other years but average return of  three  to five years is generally positive. 

In the long run mutual fund  gives positive and higher return.So mutual fund is always better i

f you want to make money in the long run. 

You want to beat Inflation. 

You have patience. 

You are not habitual to witness your portfolio again and again, 

You have separate separate emergency fund. 

You are investing at least for 15 to 20 years, 

If  your answers are yes then NV follow the Mutual Fund. 


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