Question comes in mind that when there is no tax till 12
lakhs income in the latest union budget which will applicable from 1 April 25 then why
these new tax slabs are introduced.
Actually there is very simple
calculation behind this.
Government says that till the
Income 12 lakhs these slaps will
not be appreciate because one
will be given rebate under 87 A.
so ones tax will be zero.
If one earns even Rs 1 extra
then 12 lakhs then these slabs
will be appreciate.
In this budget government is
giving standard deduction of
Rs 75000 also, so we can say
that there will be zero Tax till
the income of 12,75,000.
standard deviation means
first Rs 75000 will be deducted
from your income then you
will get Taxable income.
This is my understanding and
if you think that this is helpful
then Thanks , If you think that
this is not true then you can
make ne clear also by means
of comments.