Monday, 11 February 2019

Dead End

There is no dead end in life. There was a boy who studied well and equally well was in cocurricular activities.Every Eve used to like him even teachers liked him very much.

He was having friendship with his classmate but after some time he felt attraction towards his classmate ,so he proposed her,but she turned down the proposal and told that he does not deserve true friendship.

The boy culdc not cope with this and remained quiet all the time.He lost interest in everything .He thought that there was not anything in life.

His parents consulted a psychiatrist,Psyc Psychiat asked the boy that why he thinks that what he likes other should like that also. He suggested him think ,from her point of view.It was better that she shared her true feelings about him and she told him about her interest in someone else.So it is good ,if she does not like him,it may be that you also got many proposals but you did not like them.

Be positive and follow the other path which take you to desired not snatch the goal but achieve the goal.

The boy understood and started living lively life again.

Sunday, 10 February 2019


Sports now a days is not just a time pass activity but it is more than that now a days it is considered a alternate career also.

There are lot of examples of sport persons who not only succeeded in the field but also succeeded on financial field also.

First Kohli,P.B.Sindhu,Khali,Marry Kom...Lots are examples who are leading wealth life.

With the introduction of many leagues like IPL,Kabddi League,Badm Badminton League players have lots of opportunities.

Only it demands hardworking, determination​ ... But the beauty of this is one enjoys oneself and earn name & game also.


Retirement are you ready? This is a relavant question ,even who are in government job this is applicable for them also because with the introduction of New Pension Scheme ,there is no surity about your post retirement income.

One should plan right now , remember saving is important but growth is more important , because saving may be limited but the growth may be unlimited.

One can invest saved money in traditional schemes like FDs, PFs,Bond or little risky schemes like MF,SHAREs,...

The options may be different but act well in time, otherwise​ retirement may be painful.


Nobody will come forward to make you special,it is you, who can make you important.

Once a famous musician was playing a musical instrument at a public place ,few persons noticed him,few persons gave him a little tips.
But  two days before same musician presented his programme in the same city in a auditorium,many persons saw that concert ,even after purchasing the tickets.

Same musician,same music but different recognition, so it depends on you how you present yourself,

So remember to present yourself in a way that other people must recognise you, give importance to you,respect you,.... But all it depends on your own presentation.

Saturday, 9 February 2019

Valentine's day

Valentine's day will be celebrated on 14 February,and it becomes difficult to choose a perfect gift for your partner, so it is better to plan in advance,some gifts may be
A perfect mobile
A gift card
A photo frame with picture of your partner
A good perfume
A perfect dress material
A photo album of your partner
A collection of romantic songs
A purse,bag
A big chocolate... and so on.

Exam Time

Exam Time is very important because it gives you result of your all hard work which you put whole year but remember that don't be panic this time .
Instead of covering many topics try to repeat a topic many times, this is real result oriented strategy.


Old Pension Scheme
Allahabad high court asked the state government ,if new pension scheme is better then why it must be implemented on MLAs ,MPs... Court sought government view in ten days.
Wonderful ruling of the court in favour of government employees, when most of the MLAs,MPs are rich then also government is giving them Pension and on the other hand government is not giving any surity about the pension for government employees,how strange is it?

Pair of linear equation s class 10 imp

  Question 1. Draw the graph of 2x + y = 6 and 2x – y + 2 = 0. Shade the region bounded by these lines and x-axis. Find the area of the shad...