Wednesday, 13 February 2019

before the exam.

One should avoid the following things before the exam.
Don't think that you had forgot everything.

Don't try to prepare new chapter before revising the already prepared chapters.

Don't awake whole night.

Don't eat heavy.

Don't read anything just before the exam.

Don't repent that you couldn't study well

Don't start writing before reading the paper twice.

Don't use to many pens for writing.

Don't put wrong question number.

Don't put your pens and other things anywhere otherwise how will you get them before the exam.

Famous Websites-2

There many web sites which provide good reading experience.One can download and read free of cost.These websites are a boon at present expensive time.Even phisically keeping many books is also not comfortable.Some of them are

Tuesday, 12 February 2019

End of Life

It is easier to think to end the life,so don't do it .Life is great enjoy experience many aspects of life positive or negative.
There was a person when he heard about the marriage of his girlfriend he committed suside.
He thought there is no more interest left in life.How narrow thinking he had.

Life is always great and is not easy to find again and again.We don't know about life after death. So don't loose it easily.

Just think other don't think like us.Every Eve his/ her own thinking, respect that.If somebody does not like us then respect this and try to find someone else,who could understand us,who could love us,who could respect us.

Not to do on Valentine's day

Not to do on Valentine's day

Many things are supposed to on Valentine's day but be conxious about some particular things you should avoid otherwise result will be bad, end of relationship.

Don't try to take advantage phisically.
Don't try to force your partner against his/ her wish.
Don't avoid listening your parents.
Don't miss routine of study
Don't think this is last  Valentine's Day.
Don't follow others respect your limits.
Don't day dream live in reality.
Don't try to follow all the movies,watch  and enjoy them only.
Don't be extra courageous observe the situations.

Lastly if you think correctly and not react madly you will enjoy yourself every Valentine's Day.

Famous Websites-1

Some interesting websites were published in TOI on 11 February​ 19,they are for your reference is web site dedicated to science based at Cambridge University's institute of Continuing Education.

A team of scientis,doct doc, communicators who create simple to understand content that helps folk understand the world of science,tech technology​ and medicine.

The website explores the lives, hardships,struggles and rags-to-riches stories of famous personalities.You can search for a person by name to read a brief biography.

Bedtime stories are one of the best way to spend time with your little children.Stories come with moral lessons that will help you to inculcate desirable habits in them.

Monday, 11 February 2019

Girls don't like on Valentine's day

Girls don't like on Valentine's day

Generally boys think about the liking of girls on Valentine's day but they don't spend little time on the dislikings of the girls on Valentine's day.

Girls don't like show off much
Girls don't like gifts which are beyond your pocket limit
Girls don't like to listen planning of celebration of some event
Girls don't like simple discussing
Girls don't like ignoring there's dress
Girls don't like your not eye contacting
Girls don't like postponing some planning
Girls don't like shyness of the boys
Girls don't like not touching them

So guys spend not little but much time on girls dislikings on Valentine's day.

Moral Values

How will know the right path? Answer is if one has moral values.

Now a days there is no dearth of knowledge but only knowledge might be dangerous ,There are many examples which endorse this view.

This is the responsibility of both School and Parents to inculcate moral values among the students.

Now a days the crime rate is increasing because of lack of moral education.It is our collective responsibility to inculcate moral values among children.

Parents should demonstrate these values in there home by
Respecting Parents
Respecting family relations
Respecting elders
Following rules & laws
Following path of honesty
School should not forget it's prime aim to spread education
School should not work as means of producing money
School should conduct seminars, workshop on moral education
School should regularly recognise the students who present good examples of moral values

Government should also introduce rewards  for citizens who show high degree of moral values.

Only then education will be beneficial for the society.

Pair of linear equation s class 10 imp

  Question 1. Draw the graph of 2x + y = 6 and 2x – y + 2 = 0. Shade the region bounded by these lines and x-axis. Find the area of the shad...