Sunday, 17 February 2019

Should you disclose your failures?

  •  Should you disclose your failures?

  •    Now a days it is thing of past to hide of
  •    ones failures.Now a days successful    people don’t believe in hiding the failures of their life. Even They don’t believe to put curtain on their weakness.They believe in sharing their weakness ,failures…and many more .Now a days such people who are open about their weakness and about their strengths are better chance of getting a Jobs.
  • Therefore even freshers  don’t hesitate  to dedicate a  place in their Resume  to write their failures, unsuccessful attempts….while applying for their new jobs.
  • If you  dare?
  • If you can cope up with your failures then highlights your failures in your Resume while applying for new jobs,this will be more motivational to you to achieve  your goals.
  • If you share your failures then you will be conscious about your  mistakes in future and you will have better  chances to succeed in your new ventures.
  • Types of Failures
  • You can place failures in your Resume such as 
  • Which course you could not follow,because you could not pass the entrance or the fee of the course was very high.
  • Which was your dream job but you could not get because of lack of preparation or because  lack of motivation or because you could not realise the importance of that job .
  • Which  golden opportunity you lost because of your foolishness or because you could not get the right decision on time.
  • Which strategy or plan you did not continue and the result you could not get the desired result.
  • Which game you wanted to play but you could not play because you were not serious.
  • When you did huge loss because of your greed.
  • When you became fearful and accepted the which was against your wish.
  • ……………… and  this list can be little longer.
  • All these failures are not your weakness but they show that you  are positive person ,you took step to achieve something worth but you could not follow your passion until you achieve your targets and these failures will restrict you from failures in your future, and you will be successful in your future.
  • Experts Opinion
  • Now experts of human behavioures  think that failures  increase the chances that you will not repeat  the  mistakes again,you committed before.
  • You took the challenges and you sharpend your skills.
  • You have become more experienced.
  • You have become more courageous.

  • Final Comment
  • Our failures are not the things,which we should hide but on the other hand we must make our failures public.
  • It will keep you more energies and increase the chances of your success.So
  • Embrace your failures, not depressed by your  failures.

Saturday, 16 February 2019

Chanakya niti-1

Chanakya is one of the best strategist of our country , his teachings even today are relavant.

One should always be ready to face the problems,if one is not prepared for future challenges , then he will be defeated,it is certain.So always ready to face problems and one should create artificial problems for practice.
If does not excercise phisically, he becomes phisically weak.If one does not exercise mentally,then he becomes mentally weak.
So do exercise phisically and mentally both.

MFN Status

MFN Status
To help international business the Most Favoured Nation principal was established.
As per this principal any preferential treatment granted to one country must be extended to all countries.

For example, If a country provide tariff reductions to import from a country ,it must give the same treatment to all the members.

As per MFN pact , a WTO member country is bound to treat the other trading Nation in a non-profit discriminatory manner,in terms of custom duty.

India has given this MFN status to Pakistan in1996,but against the pact Pakistan did not MFN status to India.

Finally India has taken back this MFN status from Pakistan in protest of Pulwama terror attack,in which 40 CRPF soldiers died.

Jumbo Stay


Friday, 15 February 2019



 This is Ranveer Kapoor and Aliya Bhatt new movie which is becoming hit from the first show.

Language: HINDI

STORY HINT: About a boy who lives in slums and want to change his life by becoming a famous Rapper.

STORY: Ranveer Kapoor played the role of MURAD who lives in Dharavi mumbai.He wants to become famous Rapper.His family and friends helped him to make his dream true.Murad loves Safeena ( Alia Bhatt). Story goes on and he became successful one day.

INSPIRATION  The movie inspired by the lives of rappers NAEZY & DIVINE.

Indian rappers Divine( Vivian Fernandes)  and Naezy ( Naved Shaikh), They are stars with their songs about politics and poverty. They are famous in home & abroad.

RAP Rap music is one of the most popular music geners to date.RAP means to strike or hit .After some centuries change came in definition, which meant to talk or speak.

HISTORY OF RAP many years before in Africa  GRIOTS, Village story tellers who played basic handmade instruments while they told stories about local events,family… This style of talking while music is played is called RAP MUSIC.

GRIOTS travelling poets, musicians, and storytellers who maintain a tradition of oral history in parts of West Africa.
RAP MUSIC shown in the film is a inspired piece of writing.This movie has clap worthy dialogue.This movie engaged you totally.

FINAL COMMENT A must watch movie.

Beat Exam Stress

Beat  Exam Stress

This is time of examination as February is approaching towards it's end. Students ,Parents are full of stress.Here are some tips to beat the stress of the exam.

Drink lots of water
Do little,light exercises/ yoga
Meditate little
Eat healthy
10 minutes break is important while study
Revision of studied topics is important don't read the new topic before revising the already prepared chapters.
Follow your routine of study. If you are early birds then study in the morning & if you are night owls then study at night.
Plan in advance about writing in the exam.
Avoid social medias,pay only little time to information related to the exam.

CBSE Board Exam 2019

CBSE Board Exam 2019

 New Rules for candidates

The 10th or 12th Board Exams of the Central Board of Secondary Education will be held from February 15. 

CBSE has announced important guidance to the schools and parents on the website

 School Uniform Mandatory

School Uniforms have been made compulsory for regular candidates.

 Parents Signature on Admit Card

Central Board of Secondary Education
 has created a column for parents' signature.

Candidates should ensure that they shouuld get their  parents sign there.

 No Entry after 10 o'clock

Any candidate in the exam centre takes the entry at 10 AM. then they will not be given an entry in any condition.

What to take in the exam centre.

Candidates can take their pens and require stationery in a transparent bag. 

Those candidates who have diabetes are permitted to take snacks with them.

Pair of linear equation s class 10 imp

  Question 1. Draw the graph of 2x + y = 6 and 2x – y + 2 = 0. Shade the region bounded by these lines and x-axis. Find the area of the shad...