Friday, 8 March 2019

Chanakya neeti-8

Dew drops cannot even quench the thirst of someone but when all drops are collected in some place then they can get the form of a river , sea...

After becoming river,sea ... they can become more powerful and they can even destroy any task.

So remember there is strength in unity.

Thursday, 7 March 2019

La Voiture Noire

La Voiture Noire

Is the name of new car of Bugatti company.

This car is being considered as the expensive car of the world.

132 crore is the estimated cost of this car in Indian rupees.

This car has carbon fiber body.

It is comfortable and powerful both.

Design is unique and near to impossible to improve to make it more impressive.

This car is having 16 cylinder engine.

This car was also displayed in Geneva Auto Show-19.

Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Battista Car

All electric hyper car launched by
Automobile Pininfarina, Italian company owned by Mahindra Group.
It can get speed of 100km/h in just 2 second and can reach the speed of 300km/h in just 12 second.
It's maximum speed is 400km/h. This can cover 450 km in one charge.
This car was displayed in 89th Geneva Motor Show w.e.f. 7 March to 17 March 2019.

Chanakya neeti-7

When the shell insect gets it's size bigger then it leaves the shell and go away from it.
Same is the case with humans when they think to achieve something bigger then they should leave their home or comforts and try their best to achieve something big.
So if you wish to progress then you must leave your comforts.

Monday, 4 March 2019


Guarantor is a very important person.When a person want a loan then in some cases guarantor is required.But

should you be a loan guarantor? It is a big
question one should ask to oneself.You will not be able to give correct answer until you know the following things.

Types of guarantor

Two types of guarantor are first financial and other non financial.Financial guarantor has to take on the full legal liability for loan repayment.
Non-financial guarantor acts as a mission between the bank and the borrowers.

Effect on your credit score
When you become financial guarantor of some on then your loan eligibility become less accordingly.
Suppose you are eligible to take 50 lakh loan as per your salary and you are guarantor for 30 lakh loan then  if you seek for loan then you will be given loan of 20 lakh ,be because​ you already have liability for 30 lakh loan.

Expert Opinion

So before becoming the financial guarantor first observe the financial condition of that in detail and also convince him to take insurance cover for his 


An equated monthly installment (EMI)

 is a fixed payment amount paid by a borrower to the lender at a specified date each calendar month. Equated monthly installments are used to pay off both interest and principal each month so that over a specified number of years, the loan  could be repaid in full.

Sunday, 3 March 2019


Whenever a discussion happens among parties then some time some party decides that they would not accept others view about any topic.

When one party remains rigid about their views then that  discussion does not end peacefully.

But it is the need of the hour that one must be flexible about one's​ views ,if one comes across some right views then one should accept it.
This type of argument will be useful not useless.
Acceptance of weakness is not weakness but it is considered  as a strength.So whenever such hot discussion takes place then all the concerned parties must be open minded.

Saturday, 2 March 2019

Chanakya neeti-6

When the sun rays are collected in a perticular place with the help of lense then that place gets the temperature enough to catch the fire.
Same when you focus on and concentrate on your aim then it is certain that you will achieve your goal.
So focus on your aim and achieve your target.

Pair of linear equation s class 10 imp

  Question 1. Draw the graph of 2x + y = 6 and 2x – y + 2 = 0. Shade the region bounded by these lines and x-axis. Find the area of the shad...