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Monday, 9 September 2019


Is the technique which makes your every day happy.Ikigai is related to long and happy life.Ikigai is best selling book written by Hector Garcia and Francesca Miracles based on Japanese philosophy to lead a happy life.

Ogimi is a village in Okinawa where the people live the longest in the world.The people of the village believe in remain always busy.

The people of the village do not think to remain idle after retirement but they think to be always busy in good way.

The people of the village believe in eating only 80% against the capacity of their belly.
Communities is an other highlight of the village where everyone puts the same amount of money to use for common goals. It is possible there because villagers are neither poor nor rich.

Everyone must try to go through the book if possible.

Saturday, 15 June 2019

Plastic Bottles as Fee

There is a good step taken by the Merit  International School with the help of African Clean Up Initiative and Recyclers Organization to accept  Plastic Bottles as School Fee.
Assam a indian state is also has a school where fee is accepted in form of Plastic Bottles. This school is located in Dispur the capital of Assam.This Akshar  foundation school accept 20 bottles per week.Bottles can be brought from home or the area nearby.
This project is helpful in keeping the area  plastic free. Students prepare ecofriendly bricks by filling plastic bottles with polythens .Students get paid also for this work.

Monday, 27 May 2019


It is not correct that if we commit mistake then we should feel sad about that always but on the other hand we should examine the circumstances and do true analysis.
Mistakes happens but repeating mistakes is harmful.We should learn by our mistakes.
Mistakes by chance can be forgiven but deliberately committing mistakes are not tolerated.

Monday, 20 May 2019


Keep something always in order to use in future is a habit of many.It becomes very difficult to make our mind to give up those things which are no longer useful.
It is easy to say but to implement it is difficult, therefore it is said that something we must follow without satisfy ourself by our decision.Later we will be able to understand it.
So just make the list of those items which are not useful further,leave them forcefully.It will make your life more fruitful.

Sunday, 19 May 2019


The list of 26 countries , where same sex marriages is legal as on 19/05/19.

1 Argentina
2 Australia
3 Austria
4 Belgium
5 Brazil
6 Britain
7 Canada
8 Colombia
9 Denmark
10 Finland
11 France
12 Germany
13 Iceland
14 Ireland
15 Laxembourg
16 Malta
17 Mexico
18 The Netherlands ( first to legalise in           2001)
19 New Zealand
20 Norway
21 Portugal
22 South Africa
23 Spain
24 Sweden
25 Uruguay
26 USA

Now Taiwan became the first in Asia to legalise the SAME-SEX marriage.

President Tsai lng - wen may face  problems in next Presidential election because of this decision.

The law allows same sex marriages  only between Taiwanese or with foreigners whose countries recognise SAME-SEX marriage.

India decriminalized gay sex in September 18, but SAME-SEX marriage is yet to be legally recognised.

Same sex parents can legally adopt in 30 countries.


Saturday, 4 May 2019

Seven Biggest Storm in India

Seven Biggest Storm in India

In November 1970

BHOLA storm hit from Bay of Bengal to West Bengal & Pakistan. Around 50 thousands died

May 1970

Storm hit with the speed  from 100 to 160 km/h, around 700 people died & 40 lakh people affected.

November 1988

Around 2000 people died in Bangladesh . Major damage happened to the property in West Bengal and Bangladesh.

November 1996

 Around 2000 people died in Andhra Pradesh, around 1380 villages were affected.

November 1999

Storm hit with the speed of 260km/h in Odisa and damaged the property.

October 2013
560 people died because of Feleen storm in Odisa and Andhra Pradesh.

November 2017
 26 people died because of Okhi Storm  started from Sri Lanka and reached Gujrat via Kerala & Tamil Nadu.

May 2019

Fani Storm hit  Odisa and casualty restracted to 8 because of proper planning and execution.

Source: Dainik Bhaskar  04/05/19

Monday, 22 April 2019

Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance

Now a days when we go abroad alone or with family, it is recommended to buy a travel insurance because it gives us mentally relief in case of theft,loss of luggage,during illness...etc


These plans come in different variants such as for single trips,for multiple trips...

Pre- existing medical conditions, it is advisable to declare our medical history before buying the travel Insurance.

 One can buy this insurance through Airline booking portals or by visiting insurance company websites.





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