Friday, 10 January 2020


Everyone wants to have a great,intelligent,brilliant,smart,all rounder child irrespective of his own personality,intelligence,success.
..but? How? Explore the following ways.

First become yourself smart means first mother and Father of the child must be smart.

Gather the information sought by your child regarding some events,topic,subject...  and you could not help your child because you did not have knowledge or you did not have interest...but understand it is your prime responsibility to satisfy your child ,so gather information and impart to your ward.

Observe your child carefully and have true analysis about your child abilities so don't have extra expectations just have expectations according to his limitations.

Individual differences play major role in once development therefore one can develop in one's field of interest so it is duty of parents to understand the interests of your child and help them in there field of interests.

First control yourself it means what activities you don't like in your wards don't follow those activities yourself.

Provide minimum facilities to your ward for improving in his table, chair, book , copies...for studying.

First follow time table morning exercise,eating food,watching TV,using mobiles....then you will see your child will also follow his time table of playing,studying.... Because children learn from home very much.

Make your own targets and achieve them in stipulated time frame then share your success in the family... in this way you can motivate your children to fulfil their resolutions.

I hope this article will guide, you well to some extent  to make your own child smart... Remember everything depends on you and only you parents can make your child great.

Wednesday, 8 January 2020


Mobile Addiction
My child always play with mobile,does not take interest in study but always want mobile for visiting Facebook,Instagram, YouTube, What should I do to take this addiction out  from my child?

Simply ask yourself who gives mobile to your child yourself, So have courage to take it back.

Bring some story books of his choice

Buy some interesting indoor and outdoor games and you should also play with him.

Watch some good movie on every weekend

Visit some nearby area such as temple,mall,market,bank,college,vegitable market,stadiam...

Try to involve him in household work

Try to read his syllabus books and share knowledge with him.

Show him some good videos available on YouTube,WhatsApp sometime only.

Brief him about current affairs and discuss about them.

Regular discuss about his future plans and strategies to achieve them.

Ask him about his friends regularly and about their activities..

Try these simple methods and you will observe some changes in your child behaviour and later you will come across several such strategies to guide your child in right direction and in making him mobile addiction free.

At last keep remembering your self that it is our duty to inculcate good habits in him , because only we are responsible to bring him in this world.

Tuesday, 7 January 2020


Importance of money

Money is very important to my mind it is not very important but it is everything.One must try to earn much and save much.

Presently we are living in such a environment where you can buy everything by money,our comforts, respect,friends,... whatever we can think of,we can buy with money.So always respect money which we have.

Finds several other sources of earnings and do your best to earn through them.Never think that having greed for money is bad instead say have greed to earn money through right way.

I want to say that one should do only that work which could generate some revenue always enhance your understanding of ways to  earn money.
Just keep your pen and pencil ready and make a list that what you can do with money which you have and what you could not do and are unable to do because you don't have that much required money,I think you will get the answer about the importance of money.

At last I want to state that only money is everything nothing else.

Saturday, 4 January 2020


Having expectations is the biggest crime.
Expectations are never fulfilled.When we do homework keeping expectations then we don't focus completely on the work but some part of our mind remains busy in future effect of expectations.
Remember you can fulfil yours desires but others cannot fulfil yours desires.So it is good idea to keep ready planning regarding the effects of something but don't involve very much in expectations.
It is experienced many persons talk ideally but they don't behave ideally.You might have experienced many a time a borrower forget to return the borrowed amount but the person who gives does not forget,actually borrower also does not forget but simply he is not able to control his greed therefore don't expect yours borrower will return your debt until you ask.
So don't have expectations but give hundred percent in your work.

Thursday, 2 January 2020


Generally everyone has some kinds of fear,it is natural,it is basic human nature but one should learn how to overcome one's fears.
It is seen that when person starts thinking about his self created fears the he becomes more tensed,mentally disturbed comparatively when he really face those self created future problems.
So instead of creating imaginary fears,try to write the strategies that how you will overcome those future problems.
Everyone one must accept some hard truths like
Everyone one has to die.
Everyone one has to face some problems because of others mistakes.
Everyone gets something else beyond his expectations.
Life is not a cakewalk.
...But don't dishearten,because you are not facing such things first time,many have also experienced this before,so smile and remember it will also pass.

Keep Repairing

It is easy to throw the broken pieces of any things,but it is an art to repair the broken things and make them useful again.

In our day to day life,occasions come when we feel that it is impossible to mend some relationships,but remember life is short and only good relations makes our life happy,therefore keep maintaining healthy relations and lead and live meaningful life.

It is also advisable not to carry bad relations with us always but we must analysis that how much we can tolerate,we must have a limit,if someone cross that limit then we must not hesitate to leave that relationship and keep trying to search some other options.

Thursday, 26 December 2019

Winter Wears

Winter Wears
Often we Wears jackets in winter,it is good,but it looks common,Therefore many persons now prefer to wear blazers also but it is not easy to find good blazers at low prices,therefore going on online platform may be a good option.
Benefits of Wearing Blazers
Become Different
Become confident
Easy to wear
Look impressive
Look more formal
Become centre of public
It attracts others
And many more

Pair of linear equation s class 10 imp

  Question 1. Draw the graph of 2x + y = 6 and 2x – y + 2 = 0. Shade the region bounded by these lines and x-axis. Find the area of the shad...