Wednesday, 3 June 2020


Normalcy everyone like but every day new challenges we have to face and we have to adopt some new rules ,regulations ,norms  with the hope that these new rules will bring positive changes in the coming life. There are  always difficulties  before adopting new norms, rules but ultimately we adopt and these new changes become normal, as usual.

There are people who do not welcome new things enthusiastically but circumstances force them to accept new changes. Buses, Trains ,Metros, Aeroplanes…etc  all are normal now a days but they  also faced difficulties in making their place in the society. When computer  was introduced then nobody liked it because there was common opinion that it would turn many people unemployed, but  it is impossible to think about present life without computers. Now,This has also become normal.

Like lock down was introduced to prevent  corona pandemic, first it was very difficult to remain always inside the home but now people have accepted this also with the hope of corona free future. Now this lock down has also become new normal.

At last we I want to state that everyone must ready to adopt new changes. One  must not be obstinate in adopting new norms because all these are normal for a living being, so welcome all these new normal.

Thank You for reading and do share if you like and comments are always welcome.


Tuesday, 2 June 2020


Being alone is not equal to loneliness on the other hand loneliness means absence of recognition. When  one happens to be alone then one can be able to complete his essential tasks ,but when one become loneliness then one is not able to complete even ones priorities as well as essential tasks.

Because loneliness is the absence  of  recognition. When  other people do not give respect to one that time one suffers from loneliness. Being alone is not great problem but being lonely  is great problem.

Ways to overcome loneliness:

First   realize that others opinion may be different , it is not unusual.

Second   it is not necessary that  every    one must respect us.

Third  we should not think that our judgments  will be right always.

Fourth try to understand that with the time younger generation  become more smarter.

Fifth always ready to learn new things if we stick to old means and have opinion that old is always best then it will be difficult to overcome loneliness.Thank You for reading do share if you like and comments are always welcome.


The word MULTI TASKING is very influencing   and present concept   of multi tasking is getting importance. Now   a days Multi Tasking is considered the key to success but it is not completely  true ,it  holds water but to certain limit.

Actually multi tasking does give you success but a task done multiple times gives you success. So don’t focus on multi tasking   instead one must focus on doing a work multiple times with efficiency , that will  give you success.

If one wants to achieve success then one must try to focus on   the work and try to achieve efficiency  in that work.

Now we discuss the ways to achieve efficiency. Some of them are:

First  understand  the our work thoroughly.

Second decide the time limit to do that work with patience.

Third analysis the work done and ponder over the result.

Fourth  if we got the desired  result then continue doing that work otherwise explore some other ways to achieve the desired goal.

Fifth and last is that this is my opinion if have different opinion then I respect your opinion,ultimately  your own opinion matters much.

Thank You for reading do share if you like and comments are always welcome.



Monday, 1 June 2020

Fear of new task,how to overcome?

The answer is very simple of this question even though many people always busy in finding the of this question .First of all every one must think  fear before new task is normal.Every one has to face it,If we are facing such fear then it is not abnormal.

Generally fear remains until we begin the new task, as soon as we starts the new task we no longer remain fearful instead be become focused  on the new task, that time we think ,how to complete  the task successfully?

First we have understood that it is normal,now we try to find the way to overcome this, I think you would be agree ,as soon as we think that it is normal automatically much fear vanishes at once.

Second there must be proper planning that what we have to do,if we know our field of work then there is no reason to remain fearful.

Third ask your self that what happened when you failed in some task, certainly you will get the answer not very bad, so in future also same system will go on ie not very bad will be happened.

So don't be panic before any task, Just remain normal,and focus on your task.Thank You for reading do share if you like and comments are always welcome.

Saturday, 30 May 2020


There are many people who always wonder that what is the secrets behind successful people answer is simple, PATIENCE & WORK.
 These are two magical words which defines one's success,You know if one wants to achieve something then he will have to work hard and wait till the result come.So patience and work are the most important factors to achieve the success.

When you work in the direction to achieve some thing  think about the result but keep in your mind that result will take time ,so don't be in hurry continue work in the planned guidance.

Remember we ourselves did not became adult immediately but we took the due time to become mature,same is with everything. There is  definite time for every thing to achieve  something ,one has to follow that path. We know when we plant a plant then also it takes time to grow fruits.

If we start discussing the factors behind success then there are many facts have been told us by successful people,but in a nutshell only these two magic words PATIENCE & WORK are the keys to success.
Thank You for reading do share if you like and comments are always welcome.

Monday, 25 May 2020


Many people always remain confused about this question that why people respects someone very much 
and other does not command that much respect.?

Answer is simple generally only that person command respect in the society who gives respect to others,the person who takes interest in others ,that person become centre of attraction amid others this is set rule and it is true up to 99% ,but one person are those who are famous by birth,these one percent people do not put any extra effort,even though they become popular.

Here our aim is not to discuss about these one percent because there might be many reasons about these people ,such as their good looks,their birth in rich family,their intelligence,their communication skills,their excellent knowledge about current affairs... and so many, be can analysis endlessly but it is difficult to come an acceptable conclusion

If unfortunately we do not fall in those one percent then there are some tips one can follow to become the centre of attraction.

First and foremost don't become burden on others ,I mean to say take advantages from others but within limit not beyond that limit such as one can not force others to take evening stroll with one when others are busy in their work.

try to understand by one more example that if some person allow someone to watch his television and if one starts disturbing others again again to watch television when owner of the television does not want to watch television ,I think it may be clear that don't become burden on others.

Be helpful , If one wants that others must like one then one must be help giver its mean helpful instead of becoming selfish ,means one who always take help but never provide help.

Be respectful, one must know that how one must behave so that others do not have embarrassing feelings while they spent their precious time with one, it means one must understand how to behave with elders,colleagues, and even with youngers.

Be brave it mans others must feel that you may face the problems and find out the solution in case of any unexpected events.

So, I hope you could understand my point of view but ultimately it depends  on you to agree with me or not, Thank You.


Sunday, 12 January 2020


It is very difficult to be happy alone.With our family,friends... remains happy is not difficult.
Actually human is a social guy,he wants company of some humans always.This question comes later company of like minded or not like minded,actually it does not matter but company is must for a human.
Now a days everyone is busy with himself and everyone is little selfish also. Everyone one wants to spend time with himself but it is seen that this loneliness does not make a person happy for long ultimately one requires a company to be happy.
There are many people who don't have company,family they have to remain alone most of the time,now they really needs guidance to be happy,here are a few suggestions...

First go to nearby stadiam or a park where you see some children playing at least observe them and remains self motivated.

Follow your hobbies at least one like reading,writing...

Try to meditate for one to two hours daily.

Sleep for at least ten hours

Cook your food yourself

Go on long drive

Go to visit some different parts of the country and outside the country.

Attend some sermon session and visit some ashrams.

Try to spend some time watching contents on YouTube of your choice.

Try to teach in school part-time as a freelancer teacher

Try to learn new language

Try to teach that language to others

Spend sometime time with aged people because they are also interested to spend their time.

Do take care of your health and have updates to remain healthy

And always have thinking that being alone is not a curse but an opportunity to know yourself deeply so always thank God for providing you such a great  loneliness.

Pair of linear equation s class 10 imp

  Question 1. Draw the graph of 2x + y = 6 and 2x – y + 2 = 0. Shade the region bounded by these lines and x-axis. Find the area of the shad...