Sunday, 21 June 2020
Friday, 5 June 2020
are many people who always think that past was better. These people always busy
in the memories of the past.
people have negative mindset about the
present. They believe that past was good. Even only people
of their age group may have such ideology even they think that they are right.
These people face many problem in adjusting with present generation and same
happens with present generation also actually generation gap become wider in
such cases.
of all everyone must leave this habit right now because this habit is self
destroying habit. Who have such habit they always remain unhappy and make other
unhappy also. Try to think for a while that time cannot be stopped .
are inevitable nobody able to restrict these changes. Now we have better
facilities than past in terms of medical facilities, living conditions,insfracture,health…etc
and above all past cannot be regained back, so what is benefit of remain
indulge in past thinking anymore.
think that present is best and try to enjoy present very much. You can take
lessons from past and those lessons
be helpful in making the future great
.Learn new things ,adopt new techniques, make use of every moment of the
present . When one starts living in present then one becomes more happy, one
becomes more happy, one become more acceptable in the society such people no
longer need OLD AGED HOME. Present generation easily gets adjusted with such
people and they don’t have problems with such people. So focus at the present
and appreciate the present and implements past lessons to make the present
You for reading and do share if you like and comments are always welcome.
Wednesday, 3 June 2020
everyone like but every day new challenges we have to face and we have to adopt
some new rules ,regulations ,norms with
the hope that these new rules will bring positive changes in the coming life.
There are always difficulties before adopting new norms, rules but
ultimately we adopt and these new changes become normal, as usual.
There are people who do not welcome new things enthusiastically but circumstances force them to accept new changes. Buses, Trains ,Metros, Aeroplanes…etc all are normal now a days but they also faced difficulties in making their place in the society. When computer was introduced then nobody liked it because there was common opinion that it would turn many people unemployed, but it is impossible to think about present life without computers. Now,This has also become normal.
Like lock down was introduced to prevent
corona pandemic, first it was very difficult to remain always inside the
home but now people have accepted this also with the hope of corona free future.
Now this lock down has also become new normal.
last we I want to state that everyone must ready to adopt new changes. One must not be obstinate in adopting new norms
because all these are normal for a living being, so welcome all these new
You for reading and do share if you like and comments are always welcome.
Tuesday, 2 June 2020
alone is not equal to loneliness on the other hand loneliness means absence of
recognition. When one happens to be
alone then one can be able to complete his essential tasks ,but when one become
loneliness then one is not able to complete even ones priorities as well as
essential tasks.
loneliness is the absence of recognition. When other people do not give respect to one that
time one suffers from loneliness. Being alone is not great problem but being
lonely is great problem.
to overcome loneliness:
that others opinion may be different , it is not unusual.
Second it is not
necessary that every one must respect us.
Third we should not think that our judgments will be right always.
try to understand that with the time younger generation become more smarter.
always ready to learn new things if we stick to old means and have opinion that
old is always best then it will be difficult to overcome loneliness.
The word MULTI TASKING is very influencing and present concept of multi tasking is getting importance. Now a days Multi Tasking is considered the key to success but it is not completely true ,it holds water but to certain limit.
Actually multi tasking does give you success but a task done multiple times gives you success. So don’t focus on multi tasking instead one must focus on doing a work multiple times with efficiency , that will give you success.
one wants to achieve success then one must try to focus on the work and try to achieve efficiency in that work.
we discuss the ways to achieve efficiency. Some of them are:
First understand
the our work thoroughly.
decide the time limit to do that work with patience.
analysis the work done and ponder over the result.
Fourth if we got the desired result then continue doing that work
otherwise explore some other ways to achieve the desired goal.
and last is that this is my opinion if have different opinion then I respect
your opinion,ultimately your own opinion
matters much.
Thank You for reading do share if you like and comments are always welcome.
Monday, 1 June 2020
Fear of new task,how to overcome?
Saturday, 30 May 2020
There are many people who always wonder that what is the secrets behind successful people answer is simple, PATIENCE & WORK.
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