Sunday, 1 December 2024

Is College Worth It?

 Is College Worth It?

 This question is  being discussed now a days very much. Answer is not objective but subjective because it depends on individuals circumstances and intentions. 

Because of many career options which are open nowadays, many people start thinking that instead of going to college  one should think about how to earn money after all The ultimate aim of education is to earn money.But  wisdom is required to  learn how to use money but unfortunately it is not taught in the college. 

Benefits of college Education

College provide specific, targeted education which is required in particular professions like medical education, engineering, law education, finance education.... etc because  of late it is believed that skills can be taught every one is not having natural talent. 

But when we go through the society then we come to know there are many examples of those successful people who were college dropped out but are super successful. 

So college  going is not worth, it is not the conclusion, actually one must think properly and according to ones conditions that is he or she mature enough to lead good and meaningful life without having formal education, if answer is yes then be confident and don't take admission in the college otherwise go to college and earn degree and learn skills and lead happy life with lots of time and money. 

These are my views it is not necessarily that they are correct one should believe in their own instinct and take an appreciated decision

.Generally mass population of the world support and believe that one should go to college. 

If you like then share it. 

मालिक से निपटने के कुछ विशिष्ट तरीके

 मालिक से निपटने के कुछ विशिष्ट तरीके हैं। 


1. उनकी उम्मीदों को समझें

उसके इरादों से पूछें कि वह हमसे क्या चाहता है। निर्देशों को स्पष्ट रूप से समझें ताकि आप समय सीमा के भीतर अपना कार्य पूरा कर सकें। अपनी शंकाओं को स्पष्ट करें और अपनी आशंकाओं को स्पष्ट रूप से प्रस्तुत करें। अपने विचारों को भी शामिल करने का प्रयास करें यदि वह पसंद करते हैं तो ठीक है अन्यथा उनकी राय को स्वीकार करें उनके विचारों को बहुत सम्मान दें। 

2. खुले तौर पर संवाद करें

आम तौर पर वह आपके सौंपे गए काम के बारे में नियमित रूप से जानकारी मांगता है। अपनी मानसिक शांति न खोएं। 

अपने काम के बारे में अपडेट करें और नियमित रूप से उनका मार्गदर्शन या हमसे उनकी अपेक्षाएं लें, उनके अनुसार काम करें, उन्हें हमेशा महत्वपूर्ण महसूस कराएं। 

3. विश्वास का स्वस्थ संबंध रखें। 

हमेशा स्वस्थ पेशेवर संबंध रखें और समय सीमा को पूरा करें। उसे यह समझाने की कोशिश करें कि वह आप पर विश्वास कर सकता है। अपने काम से उनके प्रति सम्मान दिखाएँ। 

4. मुद्दों को शांतिपूर्ण तरीके से संभालें

यदि कुछ समस्याएँ उत्पन्न होती हैं तो उन्हें शांति से सुनें और अपनी राय प्रस्तुत करें और अपने सकारात्मक दृष्टिकोण और ईमानदारी से उन्हें समझाने की कोशिश करें। लेकिन मुद्दों का समाधान नहीं होता है और फिर उच्च प्राधिकरण से संपर्क किया जाता है। अपनी चिंताओं को उठाने में संकोच न करें। 

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5. सीमा

अपने और अपने मालिक के बीच सीमाएँ रखें। बस पेशेवर संबंध रखें, उसे अपनी सीमाएं पार करने की अनुमति न दें और अपनी सीमाएं भी न तोड़ें। अनावश्यक माँग न करें, यथार्थवादी दृष्टिकोण अपनाएँ। 

 सकारात्मक दृष्टिकोण और आपसी सम्मान से आप अपने मालिक के साथ अच्छे और स्वस्थ संबंध रख सकते हैं। 

धन्यवाद, पसंद आए तो शेयर करें।

Saturday, 30 November 2024


 There are some  specific ways to deal with a  boss. 

1. Understand his expectations

Ask his intentions what he wants from us. Understand the instructions clearly so that you can complet your task within the time limit. Clarify your doubts and present your apprehension clearly. Try to include your ideas also if he likes then ok otherwise accept his opinion give respect to his ideas very much. 

2. Communicate openly

Generally he asks regular updates about your assigned work. Do not loose your mental peace. 

Update about your work and seek regular his guidance or his expectations from us, do work according to him, make him feel important always. 

3. Have healthy relationship of trust. 

Always have healthy professional relationship and meet the deadline. Try to make him understand that he can believe on you. Shows respect for him by your work. 

4. Handle issues peacefully

If some issues arises then listen him calmly and present your opinion also try to convince him by your positive attitude and honestly. But issues are not resolved then approach to higher authority. Do not hesitate to raise your concerns. 

5.Have limit

Have boundaries between you and your boss. Just have professional relationship don't allow him to cross his limits and don't break your limits also. Don't demand unnecessary, be realistic approach. 

 By positive attitude and mutual respect you can keep good and healthy relationship with your boss. 

Thanks, share if you like. 

Sunday, 10 November 2024


 Methods to help you tackle challenging topics effectively:

1.  Fundamentals First

  • Every subject has core  foundational knowledge. Spend time understanding the basics well because they are often the building blocks for more complex topics.  
  •           CREDIT CARD

2. Set  Goals

  • Break down your study into manageable tasks or subtopics and set specific, time-bound goals for each..

3. Use Active Learning Techniques

  • Summarization: After reading a concept, try to explain it in your own words or write down a summary. 
  • Teach Back: Explain what you’ve learned to someone else, 

4. Find Resources

  • Sometimes a single textbook or lecture isn't enough. Look for alternative resources—videos, articles, online courses, or study groups.

5. Revision

  • Regularly reviewing and revisiting material helps reinforce your memory, especially for subjects heavy on facts or formulas.

6. Stay Organized 

  • Maintain a study schedule that allows for breaks and regular review sessions. Trying to cram without breaks can lead to burnout and reduce retention

7. Learn Gradually

  • For especially tough concepts, divide them into smaller parts, and focus on one at a time until you feel confident.

8.  Ask for Help

  • When stuck, reach out to a teacher, tutor, or knowledgeable friend. Others might have insights or ways to explain that make difficult topics easier to grasp.

9. Positive Mindset

  • Believe that you can improve through practice and effort. If you encounter setbacks, view them as part of the learning process rather than as failures.

10. Evaluate

  • Regularly assess your progress and be willing to change your study techniques if something isn’t working.   

Tuesday, 27 February 2024

Happy Life Formula 2


                     Make My Trip

It looks very hard when we come across any problem, just saying it will also pass is not enough. We should wait for favourable time and keep conference and believe in yourself. 

Good time will certainly come. 

Monday, 26 February 2024

Happy Life Formula 1


In life  when we look back we come to know that we have been gone through many odd phases but ultimately every thing has passed 

So no need to wory much try to improve conditions if you can but main thing believe in the God  and repeat always and remind yourself again and again that this will also pass

Monday, 20 November 2023


 Accepting is a great art one should learn. Facing the challenges is more important than being ignorant about the challenges. There is solution of every problem but it impossible to solve because we want immediate result but it is not possible always. Every thing takes its time, We should remember that when this much time of our life is passed then rest of time will also pass. 

                  Earn by survey

Pair of linear equation s class 10 imp

  Question 1. Draw the graph of 2x + y = 6 and 2x – y + 2 = 0. Shade the region bounded by these lines and x-axis. Find the area of the shad...