Is College Worth It?
This question is being discussed now a days very much. Answer is not objective but subjective because it depends on individuals circumstances and intentions.
Because of many career options which are open nowadays, many people start thinking that instead of going to college one should think about how to earn money after all The ultimate aim of education is to earn money.But wisdom is required to learn how to use money but unfortunately it is not taught in the college.
Benefits of college Education
College provide specific, targeted education which is required in particular professions like medical education, engineering, law education, finance education.... etc because of late it is believed that skills can be taught every one is not having natural talent.
But when we go through the society then we come to know there are many examples of those successful people who were college dropped out but are super successful.
So college going is not worth, it is not the conclusion, actually one must think properly and according to ones conditions that is he or she mature enough to lead good and meaningful life without having formal education, if answer is yes then be confident and don't take admission in the college otherwise go to college and earn degree and learn skills and lead happy life with lots of time and money.
These are my views it is not necessarily that they are correct one should believe in their own instinct and take an appreciated decision
.Generally mass population of the world support and believe that one should go to college.
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