Here what I write or discuss is based on my personal experience it is not to convince anyone to follow my Strategies it is only to strengthen my belief in myself, but this may give you some idea or information because learning from others experience is best learning.
It is said that loan is liability it is not good in any circumstances. One should avoid taking any kind of loan because there is component of the interest and Banks, companies which provide the loan are not there to help you,but they are there just to earn money from interest.
Personal loan ,Gold loan ,Gold on credit card all are not good but Loan on Credit card is worst because it is the loan where if you could not deposit on time then you have to pay hefty interest,but on the same time it is the loan which can be taken easily if your credit score is good.
If your credit score is not good then oviously you will not get loan and if you do not pay loan on time then it will affect your credit score badly.
So when to take loan of credit card?
When you think and confident that by that loan you can earn more then you must take the loan.Like many a times we witness market is at lower level then that time you can take loan an invest in NIFTY ETF.
When any particular share comes at lower price then you can purchase the shares but not in huge quantity because one should live within one's financial limit.
Loan is also taken in calculate manner ,take only that much which you can easily repay without any burden and tension.
Take the loan for maximum one year because after repayment you can take benifits of future opportunities also.
At last keep in your mind loan is not good avoid it and do not taken the loan on the credit card because of higher interest rate but when you are confident of using the loan in better way ,then you can takethe loan.
these are my views if you like then share it otherwise ignore it .