Monday, 16 December 2024



Here what I write or discuss is based on my  experience it is not to convince anyone to follow my Strategies it is only to strengthen my belief in myself, but this may give you some idea or. information because learning from others experience is best learning. 

Now we will understand  how to manage cash for at the time of our need. This is very good facility of the credit card or different Apps. 

Yes there is some fee for this. First we choose an App like PayZapp, Paytm.... etc

Now after registration first load money from Credit Card to the Wallet then we transfer fund from Wallet to the Saving Account. 

It is not free, there is some fee for this according to norms of the Government and Bank. This facility can fulfill our needs, and this facility can make  us happy but it may gives us deep blow also if we don't pay the bill on time. 

Saturday, 14 December 2024

Mutual fund Vs Property 1

Here what I write or discuss is based on my  experience it is not to convince anyone to follow my Strategies it is only to strengthen my belief in myself, but this may give you some idea or. information because learning from others experience is best learning. 

 It is very difficult decision that where one should invest in the Mutual Fund Or Property? Many people are puzzled in taking such decision. 

Generally both investment options are for long time. Financial Experts advise for long time investment in Mutual Fund and Property. 

Long time investment means atleast for 20 years. Here one should know that there is need of much amount for investing in Real State where one can starts investing in Mutual Fund by little amount also. 

Now investigate this question based on some parameters  between both. 


First think what is your aim. Do you want property to live in or you want to earn return on your property? If you want property for your living then go ahead, without thinking much. If you wish to earn return on this, then go for Mutual Fund because in the long time there are chances that Mutual  Fund  may give you more return. 


As for as liquidity is concerned then go for Mutual fund because mutual fund are more liquid then property. Property of little amount also takes much time to sell but mutual fund of  thousands crore may be sold in a second, so mutual fund are more liquid. 


Property is risky and to protect it guard it very hectic job but mutual fund are more secured and no need to worry about it.


To change property is not possible easily. One will have to face much difficulty if one wants to change the property but you can sell one type of mutual fund in a second and can be purchased other type of mutual fund. 

Share it if you like it. 

Thursday, 12 December 2024


Money is every thing and important, who good relationship with family members, relationship, friends all is because of money. 

Keeping enough money makes our life easy and comfortable. 

Keeping lots of money we can enjoy our life very much. 

Everything has its cost and that is money. 

Who have money they understand the importance of money as well as who don't have. 

Respect money and earn money. 

Always surch the way how you can improve your money. 

Have money then observe the majic of money. 

Wednesday, 11 December 2024



Here what I write or discuss is based on my  experience it is not to convince anyone to follow my Strategies it is only to strengthen my belief in myself, but this may give you some idea or information because learning from others experience is best learning. 

Now a days SIP ,SWP  are wide popular one is useful investment other is used for withdrawal

Both are systematic planning whether for investing or for withdrawal. 

SIP is planning for long time capital building on the other hand SWP for withdra money systematically. 


Many people don't have lump sum amount! for investment, SIP is right choice? 

By Investing little  amount systematically, one can make huge copus. I know many people who did SIP without noticing the return percentage and they made  big portfolio. 

It is seen around 15 percent return one can easily get in the long time it means your corpus will double in every Four and half years. 

By means above calculation one easily become wealthy in long time and by adopting smart SWP

one can remains wealthy and can get money for daily expenses. 

The smart SWP

To withdraw amoun less than the return one gets. You will have to check how much return you got and you will withdraw money less than that only then it will work. 

If you like then follow me. 

Tuesday, 10 December 2024



Here what I write or discuss is based on my  experience it is not to convince anyone to follow my Strategies it is only to strengthen my belief in myself, but this may give you some idea or information because learning from others experience is best learning. 

Long term investing is always beneficial portfolio must be diversified otherwise if investment is in the particular share and if it falls then our capital may be lost. 

Generally share becomes two to three times in 3 to four years if somebody thinks it is much time then there person is absolutely wrong because if money gets double in 3 years then it wii double atleast dix times in period of 20 years. 

In this way Rs 1 will turn into Rs 64 , it means 64 times, so if you invest just Rs 100000 for 20 years then it will turn into Rs 6400000 in the time period of 20 years and that will be good amount to lead good life. 

Many a times people are not ready to understand the  Strategies and when they start understanding then they become very late. 

So invest for long time atleast for 20 years

Invest atleast 10 percentage of your income

One can invest lump sum Or in the form of  SIP

Money is not everything but money is something which can bring you happiness and solve many problems. 

Money is loosing it's purchasing power day by day because of inflation therefore one should know how one can grow one's money by investing. 

The only way to increase the money is long term investment but if keep the money in the bank then you will get almost negative return. Comparatively the mutual fund or direct equity

So invest your money in MF or direct in equity market for long term to get handsome return


Monday, 9 December 2024


Here what I write or discuss is based on my  experience it is not to convince anyone to follow my Strategies it is only to strengthen my belief in myself, but this may give you some idea or information because learning from others experience is best learning. 

Loan is always bad but sometimes it is good when loan is good?

When market is trading at lower lebel

When you have debt against credit card

When any opportunity knock your door. 

In such time one should take loan but within one's  own limits. 

Because if one has money to invest in such golden time then one can earn huge return. One should not let go such golden opportunity. 

Before taking loan one should have complete analysis. One should prepare to face loss or gain according to one's  own capacity. 

Large caps are good in this type of time. Because if they loose  a and gain also in due course of time but other small caps can loose the amount very much. 



Here what I write or discuss is based on my  experience it is not to convince anyone to follow my Strategies it is only to strengthen my belief in myself, but this may give you some idea or information because learning from others experience is best learning. 

This is the requirements of always. If one wants to be rich then one must know this art. Generally people believe in saving the money while rich believe in earning more money. 

People who know this art how to earn while you sleep only they become rich other people always remain poor. 

It easy to earn more money by investing comparatively earning  money by doing some work. To earn money by money is little easy. 

Try to search where you can invest and how you can get maximum return. Generally one should try to invest in 




Mutual Fund

and avoid keeping the money in the banks. Bank give you less return and that is almost negative because of inflation while above mentioned items beat the inflation. 

One should make the rule to save at least 10 percent of once own earning. By compounding that ten percent can be many times. 

In compounding time plays big role. Investing little miney for long time is equal to investing much money for little time. 

Try to save as much as possible of your earning and invest that into some mutual fund schemes. Mutual fund manager manage you money professionally and grow your money in the long time. 

So invest and don't restrict your expenditures but develop extra earning sources. 

If you like then share it and follow my blog. 

Pair of linear equation s class 10 imp

  Question 1. Draw the graph of 2x + y = 6 and 2x – y + 2 = 0. Shade the region bounded by these lines and x-axis. Find the area of the shad...