Sunday, 26 January 2025


Q1.Which of the following cannot be the probability of an event? 

(A) 0.4 (B) 4% (C) 0.04% (D) 4

Ans   D) 4

Q2.In a bag containing 24 balls, 

4 are blue, 11 are green and the rest are white. One ball is drawn at random. The probability that drawn ball is white in colour is (A) 1 / 6 B) 3 / 8 C ) 11 / 24 D) 5 / 8

Ans  B) 3 / 8

Q3.(A) Two dice are rolled together bearing numbers 

4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12. Find the probability that the product of numbers obtained is an odd number 


Total number of possible outcomes = 6x6=36 

For a product to be odd, 

both the numbers should be odd. Favourable outcomes are (7,7) (7,9) (7,11) (9,7) (9,9) (9, 11) (11,7) (11,9) (11,11) no. of favourable outcomes = 9 

P (product is odd) = 9/36 or 1 / 4


 Q 4. How many positive three digit integers have the hundredths digit 8 and unit’s digit 5? Find the probability of selecting one such number out of all three digit numbers.


Total number of three-digit numbers = 900.

First 100  last 999

 Numbers with hundredth digit 8 & and unit’s digit 5 are 805,815, 825,....,895 Number of favourable outcomes = 10

 P(selecting one such number) = 10/900 or 1/ 90

Thursday, 23 January 2025

Systematic Withdrawal Plan

 What is SWP ie Systematic Withdrawal Plan? 

Answer is very common that is it is way of withdrawing money systematically. It looks easy but not very easy because many experts present this as a plan which can give you money whole life and your corpus will be intact also

Experts present this plan in very simple way that if you are getting 12℅ per annum and  withdrawing  just 10℅ of your accumulated corpus then your corpus will also increase at  rate of 2℅ per annum and you are withdrawing 10℅ of your corpus also monthly. 

I want to say that it is right but here you should take some precautions also, these are... 

First don't give any command like 10℅ withdrawal  every month because this strategy could deceive you also, the better way is  Just withdraw your money once in a year first check how much did you get the the return and withdraw 4℅ less then your return. 

Example if you have Rs 1 lakh and got 10℅ return, it means your money will be 1 lakh 10 thousand then withdraw just Rs 6000 then you are withdrawing just 6℅ of your return, in this way your corpus will be intact and grow also, 

You can withdraw  money in variable manner just follow this rule first check your return and withdraw money less then your gaining amount. 

Don't withdraw every month instead withdraw once in a year. 

This is my way of using this SWP, just analysis yourself this strategy and if you find beneficial then follow, you can take advice of your financial advisor also. 

Monday, 20 January 2025



Wealth is as important as health. By wealth one can maintain once health and by one's health one can earn wealth. 

It is not right way of thinking that wealth is not very important, it is not right, but actually one should pay more  emphasis on earning more money. 

It is prime duty of everyone to be wealthy. Wealth is key to success but how one can earn wealth.

Now a days there are talented people who deserve to have  lots of wealth but everyone is not able to earn wealth.There some reasons behind this. Many a time people not felt deploy importance of wealth just they  superfluously thik of having wealth. 

One should remember wealth is important and how to earn wealth it is also a subject to understand. Some ways to earn wealth are... 

First introspect yourself that what can you do to earn wealth. 

Second shun your laziness and make a roadmap to earn wealth. 

Third follow strictly your roadmap to earn wealth. 

Fourth explore other ways also to generate active income. 

Fifth maintain your wealth, it means spend less than your earning

Remember wealth can not be generated overnight but it can be destroyed overnight if you don't follow proper strategies to maintain your wealth. 

Friday, 17 January 2025


Inflation is there and it force everyone to increase one's own income. At present it is said around 7%0Inflation is there. It means things are costly at rate of 7% per year. If a thing can be purchased at Rs 100 then same thing will come at Rs 107 next year. 

So if you are keeping your money in bank where you are getting 7 % 0interest  then actually you are just maintaining your purchasing power but when you pay the 

tax on the interest then you are losing your purchasing power. 

Therefore investment must be

 in such options where you get more return then rate of inflation. 

Options are available to beat the inflation are , one should invest in

Mutual Funds

Share Market




FDs..... etc. 

If one does not invest for maximum return then his money will not grow and one's financial conditions will not  improve. So invest wisely to

 beat the inflation. These are

 my views, you can consult your financial advisor regarding inflation  also. 

Thursday, 16 January 2025

Financial Knowledge



Financial Knowledge is essential why? 

Financial knowledge is essential because status of our life depends on financial conditions. If financial condition is sound then one's life may be better but financial conditions become good by financial knowledge. 

Financial knowledge includes many factors like

Knowledge of investing options. 

Knowledge of how to increase money. 

Knowledge of importance of money

Knowledge of how long one should be invested. 

Knowledge of different 

investing strategies. 

... are some basic things about financial knowledge. 

Financial knowledge also includes

Having  emergency fund. 

Having  term insurance

Having  medical insurance

Having wish to  enhance our skills. 

Having  clear vision about saving and  spending. 

Financial knowledge is the knowledge which must be gained by everyone. If one has

 to pay some fee for financial consultation then also one should go through this. 

By having updated financial knowledge we can improve our quality of life, because  now a days to increase income is not easy and value of the money is going down because of inflation. Only way to increase our wealth is having knowledge of finance. 

By financial knowledge one learns the art of growing money without pain and without cut of our daily essential expenses. 

This is what I think and what is my knowledge. It is up to you whether you like it or not. So use your distinct and consult of your financial advisor. 

Monday, 13 January 2025

Financial Literacy


Financial Literacy

Financial literacy means 

Understanding the importance of money

Understanding the methods of growing money

Understanding of maintaining the financial status

Understanding of increasing passive income

Understanding of increasing  active income

Understanding of new updates regarding money. 

.... all these are related to financial literacy. 

Nowadays financial literacy is very important to improve financial status. 

Ways to improve financial literacy

By taking advice of any financial advisor

By going through some financial related courses

By watching some financial channels

By going through financial you Tube channels

... so there are many ways to improve financial literacy. 

Benefits of financial literacy. 

Aim of financial literacy is to earn money. 

To grow one's own money. 

To improve our financial status. 

To lead life comfortably

To have strength to fulfil our dreams. 

To enjoy the things which are expensive. 

.... so there are n number of reasons to have financial literacy. 

Financial status

 Financial Status

Financial status is important because financial status matters a lot. If one's financial status is sound then one can lead one's life comfortably. If financial status is not sound then there is always worry about to arrange two times meals. 

But how can one improve one's financial status? The answer is easy that by working hard , but it is not that much easy. Everyone works hard but only few are able to achieve good financial status. 

Because by working hard one can earn money but to achieve sound financial status one should work smartly. One should know the art of increasing money. If one is knowledgeable enough to increase one's money, then only one can get sound, good financial status. 

To grow money rapidly one shoul know some investment techniques, like

Investment in Mutual Funds

Investment in Equity

Investment in real state

Investment in gold

Investment in start up

.... By investing properly one can generate wealth but one should know the art of increasing one's active income also. 

To increase active income one should invest in oneself because until you grow your skills, you won't learn how to grow one's active income. 

To grow one's active income one should pay attention on one's skills. Try to explore different niches to earn more. One should pay attention on new ways to earn money as well as saving the money. 

Pair of linear equation s class 10 imp

  Question 1. Draw the graph of 2x + y = 6 and 2x – y + 2 = 0. Shade the region bounded by these lines and x-axis. Find the area of the shad...